Monday, April 27, 2009

Big News

Teresa Wentzler is releasing a new design and I will have a bunch of them in the shop very soon. She is shipping them out tomorrow. I didn't even ask her how much they were. I just said send them!!!
A picture can be seen here...

Thursday, April 23, 2009


After a weekend of being sick I am very glad that I can now breathe again and that a box of kleenex may last longer than one day! Man these spring colds are miserable. Dan was outside on Sunday soaking up the sun while I was inside wrapped in an afghan and thinking that I should start a fire! However I am feeling much better now and I actually feel like stitching again.
This is how far I have progressed on my second little purse. Yesterday I started on the next page of Jeannette Douglas' My Stitching Album and I am loving it! This one will go much faster than the last one did. I can only work on it under the magnifier though ...why did I choose black 32 ct fabric? Oh yeah because it looks great and is different!

Friday, April 10, 2009


I got some good stitching time in this week and finally have some progress to show for my efforts.
This is my Stained Glass Landscape by Kappie Originals. As I was doing this section I realized that for someone who really does not like backstitching all that much, I certainly wasn't thinking when I chose to do this piece. However the backstitching is what makes it and I am loving the result. I was so pleased with the way my little purse turned out that I decided to do one along with the ladies who are taking the class. Not wanting to make another one the same I took Karen's advice (Rosewood Manor) and decided to try something a little different ...the possibilities are endless for this bag...and I am doing this version on 18 ct Victorian Christmas green aida with white anchor thread.
And last but not least I got out the page from Jeannette Douglas' My Stitching album and put in a few lines and the lettering. Another couple of das and this page will be complete. This album is such a great idea and it is fun to do the various stitches and their variations.

If I want to do any stitching in the next few days I had better get at it now because we have company coming this afternoon and more family arriving tomorrow. There will be lots of visiting and eating and searching for chocolate easter eggs.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Rosewood Manor Purse

I am terribly pleased with my finished product!
This is called Ye Olde Sampler Bag designed by Rosewood Manor.

On the stitching front I am still working on the Landscape by Kappie Originals but there is nothing in particular to show. That piece doesn't really look like anything but blobs of colour until the back stitching goes in ... when I finish the page I am working on, I will backstitch it and share the results.