Inspiration from Rosewood Manor was the WIP which had not seen the light of day since 2011. In three days I was able to do the entire area to the right starting around that bird furthest to the right.
It is being done on 40 count with one strand over two threads.
I will start something else also but I don't know what just yet.
These 4 little blue ornaments were in a British magazine and I fell in love with them. I decided to forget the back stitching the instructions called for and I think they look just fine without it.
In the same British magazine there were instructions to make a small crazy quilt pillow. I was intrigued since it looked easy and I need some new cushions for the couch so this morning I spent more hours than I care to think about attempting to make a crazy quilt pillow top. I would have finished it too had I not screwed up my sewing machine by getting the bobbin thread caught in the innards of the bobbin holder thing and my machine...balked and said no more!
I quickly realized about 1/4 of the way into the project, why I don't sew...all this measuring and sewing and cutting straight...not for me. Alas even once I get the machine fixed.... I may need it to zig-zag around a cross stitch piece, it is unlikely I will go back to my misshapen, somewhat puckered pillow top. It is too bad though because I was sort of looking forward to doing that embroidery over all the seams which give crazy quilts such a neat look.