Thursday, March 21, 2013

March retreat

Thank You all who attended the Nashville Open House on March 9 and 10. The door prize winners were Bert on Saturday and Susan on Sunday.

The 2013 annual March stitching retreat at Timberhouse Inn in Brighton was another success with lots of fun and stitching enjoyed by all.

Colleen, Carmen and Clare

Tracey, Dani, Christin and someone's feet...maybe Rebecca's??/

Debbie looking marvelous in new glasses...although she really could not see all that well out of them!

Wendy and Marg

Sharon looking pensive

Bonnie and Rebecca

Carmen, Clare and Eveline

Beatrice and Tracey

Judie, Brenda and Sharon
Marg's stunning hand appliqued quilt

Judie's pillow 

Beatrice's Loon

Wendy's Christmas Garden

I also had a picture of Bonnie's Dragon,the first finish of the retreat but I don't know where it went!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

New Website

Knowledge and Needles has a wonderful new website which of course I want you all to visit but there is a problem. When you type in you will get a warning from Google that there is malware on the site.
There was a problem with the old site but there are NO problems with this one. We just have to wait for Google to "crawl" the site again  and declare it virus free. I do not know when that will happen.
If you want to visit the site...there is NO RISK to your computer.
Where Google chrome tells you that there is a risk, just  click on "advanced"  then "proceed at your own risk"...but once again there is NO RISK on this new site.
I am delighted with the new site. I have been busy adding in pictures from Nashville in the New Items gallery  and also adding to the Clearance category.
I will gradually tweak the rest of them  and get the pictures in alphabetical order  to make it easier to browse the designers and themes.
Hope you like it and do not be afraid to get on it!

Nashville Open House this weekend March 9 and 10 from 10 am to 6 pm.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Nashville 2013

The Open House is next weekend March 9 and 10. Hope to see you there! Until then...a few previews ...I had fun today.