Friday, May 30, 2014

some small gifts

These socks are a birthday gift for Erin, my daughter in law.

And this bib is a gift for the small daughter of a friend do David's who helps him out with the race car.

Tomorrow is the Open House. I hope there are lots of happy stitchers in attendance.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Open House

As Christin would say "I have been a bad blogger"
The last two weeks of April while still in Florida I developed my first ever case of bronchitis and it is/was a doozy.  Since then I have still been battling a cough, runny nose and intermittent hoarseness. It is all very unpleasant and does not lead one to feel like doing much of anything, even stitching.
However, I have been to the doctor and with the aid of 2 puffers I  expect a full recovery  soon (I hope) 

In anticipation of feeling better I have planned a big Open House for next weekend to celebrate the re-opening  of Knowledge and Needles and show off all the cool charts and kits and fabric and fiber I bought in Nashville in February.
Everyone is welcome!
I did finish the sampler shown in the previous post and as soon as I can locate the photo, on the computer I will post it.