Thursday, July 16, 2015

A great big Ta Da

Unironed but finished at last!
I have always wanted to stitch this stocking and I have always wanted a grand  I have both...the stocking will go to Elła on her first birthday  just before Christmas. I have to admit that part way through I found myself wondering why I wanted to stitch this complicated pattern riddled with quarter stitches and back stitching and frequent colour changes...but then I realized that the reasons I questioned myself were also the reasons I wanted to stitch it..
We stitchers are strange people aren't we?
I will now call my friend Betty and have her work her magic with her sewing machine, as she transforms this into a real Christmas stocking.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Stitching updates

My stitching got interrupted this past week when Lily chewed my glasses.
Fortunately I had a pair of prescription sunglasses that I could use. They are Okay for driving but not much good for anything else, except headaches for 3 or 4 days. I now have new glasses... 2 pairs as a matter of fact and no headaches and I hope I can get back to work on some of these projects.
This is Ella's stocking. I was working on the tea party scene at the bottom in sunglasses when I realized it was not a good idea to continue. Now I can though and there is an end in sight for this piece....lots of back stitching but sometimes that goes pretty fast when it starts to bring out the pieces of the picture.

Here are two sets of Christmas ornaments. The initials are for my little great nieces. There are 3 more but their photo did not turn out.
I don't know who the little Flowers are for but I will find recipients somewhere.

My Mystic stitch "Magpie" by Monet is really taking shape with only 4 pages remaining.
Carolien and Sylvia...I am so glad to hear from both of you. Yes Sylvia I still hold the Stitching day in August...on the 22nd this year. I would love it if you could come. You are welcome too Carolien  but it is a little far to come from The Netherlands!