Friday, August 14, 2015


It is time to get back at my Teresa Wentzler piece. I did some work on it yesterday and since today is World Cross Stitch Day, it is only fitting I spend the rest of the day stitching on it. 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Blogger cut my picture off!


After 2 and 1/2 years of on and off stitching on Magpie, it is finally finished. Let's face it I had to have something for show and tell on Stitching  Day here at Knowledge and Needles on Saturday, August 22.
Claude Monet is one of my favourite painters and Mystic Stitch did a masterful job translating his work into into something I could actually do since I cannot paint. 
My friend Betty made up Ella's stocking for me so I have two major finishes for 2015.

I suspect I will be spending the next little while working on one colour, no back stitch, no confetti, quickly finished, Christmas ornaments!