Friday, September 25, 2009

No stitching

We had our grandsons visiting for 4 days this week hence absolutely no stitching got done. Actually not much of anything got done except dog walking, some crafts, some skateboarding, some cupcake get the picture...

We did have some early morning visitors last week and here they are on the front yard.

And also last week we replaced our poor battered mailbox. The old one was involved in a couple of weekend tournaments of "Mailbox baseball" and obviously lost all the games.The new one is made of steel and will put up a better fight in the next round of play.

I am hoping to have some stitching pictures in the near future.


Mary said...

Are those wild turkeys? It sounds like you had a great time with your grandsons. Good luck with your new mailbox. It does look strong.

Rebel In Ontario said...

Be glad Curt doesn't check here or he would be sitting in your front yard with his shotgun :-) Love the new mailbox!

Kathy A. said...

Those are a couple of very cute grandkids. Grampa is teaching them to cook is he?
My dad would be right beside Curt in the yard if I showed him those photos lol.
I hope the new mailbox gives the baseball players a few sprained wrists.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Sounds like you're playing the great grandparent there! I really like the new mailbox!

stitching aussie style said...

I LOVE Grandparents, not only mine of whom I have extemely happy memories of school holidays well spent, but also my childrens grandparents. Both sides of the family. Like yourself, they are happy to help out whenever possible. I haven't had my youngest home (will be 12 in 2 weeks) since Sunday morning. He keeps ringing and saying "I'm staying tonight too. Is that ok?" We just say sure. Couldn't have done half the things we have done (working for ourselves) without them.

Hope the new mailbox stands up to them.

Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. I am buying Dianas new book on the weekend. Can't wait!!

Beatrice said...

Glad to see the Turkeys are still around. We'll try to keep Kathy's Dad and Rebecca's DH away!!!
Love the new mailbox. I'm with Kathy hope they leave this one alone or else.
Good to teach those boys how to cook at a young age. Looks like Chefs in the making.!

Lynn said...

Those turkeys better start hiding! I've seen several as well on my way in to work.