Thursday, November 26, 2009

November Retreat

Here are some picutres of the retreat...naturally I have started with the Saturday lunch made by our own Butteheads, Bruce and Dan...they had the room all set up ...and worked very hard preparing the feast...Sylvia is ready... as are Nan, Anne and Barb...
and Debbie, Sharon, Beatrice and Rebecca...

Back at Timber house Inn we all settled in to some serious stitching...or in Wendy's case a bit of knitting....
Nan and Dani...

Marie Paule...

Debbie and Sharon...

Dani and Nurse Sharon...

Clare and Joyce...
Bonnie and Rebecca...

Bernie and Beatrice...

Barb and Sheila...


Dani - tkdchick said...

I had a great time and I can't wait for March!

Anonymous said...

HI , it looks like you girls had
a wonderful time at the retreat,wish I could have being there,I had a safe trip coming to Arizona,have done a litle stitching
but try to do better in the new year.See Hi to every one from me.
Love from Angie.

Lynn said...

I'm glad you all had such a super time at retreat. Life has been so hectic lately and when I see those pictures I'm wishing that I could just put everything on hold, sit down and stitch.