Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Timberhouse Retreat

We had an excellent stitching retreat this past weekend. I tried something a little different. Instead of showing you pictures of all of us sitting around stitching I thought I would show some of the work we were actually doing so here goes...some WIP and some finishes...
Marg's Christmas by the letter...Lizzie Kate Dani's Celestial Dragon by TW

Judie's Wedding sampler for her Niece

Marie Paule working on an Imaginating design

Colleen's completed Four Seasons ...Marjolaine Bastien

A finish for Rebecca...Lizzie Kate I believe

JBW's Snow Globe...stitched by Rebecca

Christin's Giggles in the Snow...Mirabilia

Beatrice's China Blue

Sheila's Autumn Fairy

Bonnie's Kaliedsocope

An Owl by Carmen

Wendy's or Clare's ...they were each doing one!

Wendy's Four Seasons

Colleen's Halloween Banner by L*K

Evelyn's Letter M by Nora Corbett

Isolde's Tuscany (Heritage)

Sharon's 2007 Christmas Tree by Mirabilia

Debbie's Holly Hobby finish

Friday, March 19, 2010


Oh My! My husband and friends and family really did a "Gotcha" on me for my birthday. Dan organized a surprise party for me and it really was a surprise. Fran has a couple of pictures on her blog and promised many more as Simon seemed to be everywhere with his camera.

I was too busy greeting and hugging and some say "squealing" as each new person came through the door. It was a totally wonderful surprise and I held it together pretty well with all my local and some not so local stitching friends...but the waterworks started when I turned to see my brothers, Stuart, Ken and Christopher and sisters-in-law Gladys and Gloria (except Susan who had to work) and Clancy and Lisa. These people had to spend more time on the road coming and going than they were able to spend at the party where the only people they knew were Dan and I and Bruce and Luci! I as so touched and feel so good that I can almost start crying again thinking about the wonderful friends and family I have.

Dan apparently organized it all via e-mail on a secret hotmail account Dani set up for him...and he and Dani and Sharon and his team of my sneaky friends pulled off the party of the decade! and yes this party did mark the arrival of a significant decade!

What else can I say but Thank You all for a memorable and fabulous evening. And Thank You for your love and friendship which means more than words can ever say.

This afternoon I am off to the Timberhouse for a rest and to join more friends for more fun, food, conversation, and of course our theraputic and soothing hobby, cross stitching. I understand it is a great pass time for us old people.

By the friend Joyce, with whom I stitch on Tuesday mornings, was also at the party and also celebrating her birthday there were a few extra rousing chorouses of Happy Birthday sung to her as well!

Thank You all from the bottom of my heart!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Home again

After two full days on the road last Friday and Saturday it is nice to be home.
Why is it that 50 to 60 degree weather in Ontario in March is heavenly but the same temperatures in Florida are disappointing? Location, Location, Location I guess!
This week has been full of getting back to normal, buying groceries, and getting ready for the weekend retreat at Timberhouse Inn. I am also setting things up for next weekend's Nashville Open House. I am happy to say that plans for both big events are moving along very well.
My stitching has suffered and I now realize it has been (gasp!) a week since I have done any at all...It is a good thing that the retreat is coming up so quickly because that will provide many hours of good stitching among congenial friends and fellow addicts!
No stitching = no pictures. However my next blog should be photo intensive after the big weekend!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Still in Florida

Here are the girls romping in the Gulf of Mexico. We found this dog beach and they certainly had fun chasing around with the other dogs. They were quite unsure of the big waves though so did not do much swimming. Yesterday was the kind of day we came to Florida to enjoy. Here I am in the lanai stitching and getting a bit of sun.

I got tired of working on the dark fabric of Siam Fusion so I switched over to this little JBW ornament. The pic is a bit blurry but then Dan doesn't call me the world's worst photographer for nothing! I did it over one on 32 (hey it is easy to see when it is sunny out!) with Carrie's creations "Holly" thread.
And here is Siam Fusion . I like it but the dark fabric gets tedious sometimes.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

K & N Website updated

These are my two favourite charts from Nashville this year. I love all the ones I bought but these are the two I am definitely going to stitch as soon as I get home. I like them so much they may become classes at the shop.

Other favourites include some perfect little Erica Michaels designs which were stitched over 1 on 40 count! Unbelieveably gorgeous. There are some really cute little Myrtle Grace designs which are made up in Altoids tins. I am also very taken by Autumn at Hawks Run Hollow, the new series by Blackbird Designs, ABC of Aging gracefully by Lizzie Kate and Bindalli which is being distributed by The Cat's Whiskers. Oh and I like everything else I bought too!!!

We have had a productive day so far. First there was a quick trip back to see the German couple from whom we will be renting a house next year. They are about 20 minutes away from where we are this year but their house has a heated pool, which we wish we had this year and they are very happy to let us have the dogs there. The place is clean as a whistle as you can imagine and we are pleased as can be to have our vacation plans for next year solidified.

I then entered the last of my Nashville pictures on my website and decided for sure that the Nashville Open House will be March 27 and 28...everyone is welcome. If too many people want the same charts and I only have one or two, some people may have to wait while I re-order but everyone will get the patterns she wants eventually.

Then we took the dogs for a two mile walk in the wind and now we are all tuckered out. Dan is relaxing in the sun and now that my blog is written I am going to...oh I think I'll stitch!!