Friday, March 19, 2010


Oh My! My husband and friends and family really did a "Gotcha" on me for my birthday. Dan organized a surprise party for me and it really was a surprise. Fran has a couple of pictures on her blog and promised many more as Simon seemed to be everywhere with his camera.

I was too busy greeting and hugging and some say "squealing" as each new person came through the door. It was a totally wonderful surprise and I held it together pretty well with all my local and some not so local stitching friends...but the waterworks started when I turned to see my brothers, Stuart, Ken and Christopher and sisters-in-law Gladys and Gloria (except Susan who had to work) and Clancy and Lisa. These people had to spend more time on the road coming and going than they were able to spend at the party where the only people they knew were Dan and I and Bruce and Luci! I as so touched and feel so good that I can almost start crying again thinking about the wonderful friends and family I have.

Dan apparently organized it all via e-mail on a secret hotmail account Dani set up for him...and he and Dani and Sharon and his team of my sneaky friends pulled off the party of the decade! and yes this party did mark the arrival of a significant decade!

What else can I say but Thank You all for a memorable and fabulous evening. And Thank You for your love and friendship which means more than words can ever say.

This afternoon I am off to the Timberhouse for a rest and to join more friends for more fun, food, conversation, and of course our theraputic and soothing hobby, cross stitching. I understand it is a great pass time for us old people.

By the friend Joyce, with whom I stitch on Tuesday mornings, was also at the party and also celebrating her birthday there were a few extra rousing chorouses of Happy Birthday sung to her as well!

Thank You all from the bottom of my heart!


Kathy A. said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear friend. You deserve such a wonderful day!

Lynn said...

Happy Birthday Ann! I only wish I could have joined all of you for the fun. I'm glad that you had such a great time with all your friends and family. Enjoy the stitching weekend too!

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

Congratulations to the new Decade. You have a wonderful weekend and Be always in stitches.

Lana said...

That is soooo awesome!! Happy Birthday!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time!!!

Schokti said...

Oh fantastic! Sounds like a great time. Happy birthday!

Carolien said...

Dear Ann,

I had a 'Gotscha' last Thursday, thanks to you! Please have a look on my blog, I just wrote about it. Thank you very, very much for this sweet surprise!!!
I had a cold the last days, so I have to catch up a little. So I am very late in wishing you Happy Birthday, all the best for the new year to come! How nice they organized a surprise party for you!!! (I would be in tears too ;)

Have a good week! Big hugs, Carolien

Rebel In Ontario said...

I was so happy to be part of your "big day"...and it was even better that the surprise stayed that way until the bitter end.
And it was wonderful chatting with you this weekend..see you soon!

Mistylynn said...

Happy Belated birthday Ann. I miss your shop but the good news is I am moving home late summer so can come to shop again lol.