Friday, October 19, 2012

Cataraqui Guild Needle Arts Fair

We had a wonderful day last Saturday at the Cataraqui Guild of Needle Arts annual Fair. There were at least ten vendors in the wonderful new location they have found for the event. The Salvation Army building was perfect...large, clean, modern and provided ample space for the vendors, the luncheon tables and other rooms for the incredible display of fantastic needle art which these women have produced.
These pictures were taken before the doors opened and I was still fresh and the display was still reasonably neat.
Many thanks to all those who attended to support the guild and the vendors. 
I also wish to thank Ann Miller for all her help. I would have been swamped without her assistance. 
An excellent day was had by all

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rotations work

This piece called "Sun bathing" from Bizzi Designs  is proof. It was started in May of 2008 and finished in October of 2012.All it took was  four 4 day sessions and viola...a finished piece. Of course pleased as I am to have a finish I am now faced with the decision...start something new? or be good and pick up another WIP for the rotation?  

This is Adrianna's latest finish. It is a huge piece and beautifully done. Have I mentioned lately that our Adrianna is 96 years old?