Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rotations work

This piece called "Sun bathing" from Bizzi Designs  is proof. It was started in May of 2008 and finished in October of 2012.All it took was  four 4 day sessions and viola...a finished piece. Of course pleased as I am to have a finish I am now faced with the decision...start something new? or be good and pick up another WIP for the rotation?  

This is Adrianna's latest finish. It is a huge piece and beautifully done. Have I mentioned lately that our Adrianna is 96 years old?


Jo said...

I especially love Adrianna's piece - can you please let me know where to find this pattern?

Lynn said...

It's great to see the rotation is working for you. Well done!
Adrianna's piece is stunning! I'm always amazed by her works.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Congrats on finally getting your cat finished! Wow Adriana's piece is amazing!