Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Froth and Bubble

This is Oliver who was our house guest for the weekend. Friendly chap isn't he? On Saturday night Oliver, Molle and Paddy all trooped into the house dripping clumps of snow which immediately melted on the floor. Then Oliver and Molly started romping around...I careened around the couch to rescue a lamp and promptly slipped on the wet floor and landed squarely in my tail bone. The pain was instant, substantial and ongoing. It was not aided by hours and hours in the car on Sunday going to Mississauga to visit Dan's Dad. I did get to the doctor on Monday afternoon and now through the miracle of science have painkillers which are working.

An instant like that can certainly have a big impact though...I am popping pills every 4 hours so I can sleep, bend, sit and stand with less pain...the cost is drowsiness which means I am essentially housebound as I cannot take a chance and drive...without pills the pain would be distracting and with them I feel that it would be like driving under the influence of something...no matter... the weather is awful anyway! It is not encouraging however that the tailbone takes a long time to heal.

I have worked on Long Dog's Froth and Bubble between naps but I am not really getting too far. I like the piece. Perhaps today, now that the pills are working I will be able to sit longer and actually concentrate.

Before the fall I got started on Page three of Jeannette Douglas's "My Stitching album" but the photos I took were terrible so I deleted them. I'll try again in better light later in the week.


Wendy said...

Poor Ann! I can sympathize, I did the same thing a couple years ago thinking I could cross country ski just like I did 30 years ago. My tail bone reminded me for months after that I was no longer a teenager.

Kathy A. said...

Oh hon! I am so sorry that you are in such pain! You poor thing! How much stitching have you done that you have had to undo under the influence lol. Take care of yourself girl

Cindy F. said...

Oh Ann! I'm so sorry to read about your horrible fall! I know that had to be painful! Hope you're all better soon and off those pain meds!

Oliver is such a pretty fellow!

Froth and Bubble is amazing! Love the colors!

Laura said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear that you are having pain from your bad fall. I hope you feel much better soon.

Froth and Bubble, however, is looking lovely.

Daffycat said...

Oh, Ann, you poor dear! That is a really painful injury! ***hugs***

Lynn said...

Oh Ann, I'm so sorry to hear how sore you are. Growing up we had hardwood floors which in those days were waxed regularily. I broke my tailbone when I slipped on a throw rug on the freshly waxed floors. Still bothers me when I sit on something hard like church pews.
That squirrel in your previous post is one smart cookie! Sure didn't take him long to figure out how to get the goods.

Marj said...

Owie...hope you are feeling better now and able to stitch a bit more now that the pills are working their magic.
I like your new start, nice colours

Beatrice said...

Have a look at my blog there is something there for you ...maybe it will make you feel better.

Carolien said...

Oh Ann, I hope you will recover soon!
Your stitches are very nice, I hope stitching will be relaxing, especially now!

Hugs, Carolien