Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What a week

I now know what it is like to live on adrenaline for a week.

Knowledge and Needles was fortunate to have been invited to be a Boutique at the annual Canadian Embroidery Association Seminar. This year's event "1000 Islands, 1000 stitches" was hosted by the Cataraqui Needle Arts Guild out of beautiful Kingston, Ontario.

Over 200 dedicated and extremely talented needleworkers descended on St Lawrence College for the event. There were classes by world renown needle artists, 5 boutiques, a Market Madness evening with 20 more vendors and artisans, lots of opportunities to stitch and visit and it was just generally a lovely respite from our regular lives. It was wonderful being at an event with so many other people who also love to ply a needle.

Beatrice came to Kingston with Dan and me on the Tuesday to help set up out half of the classroom we were allotted. I certainly appreciated the help because setting up and deciding where to put what, was very time consuming. This is what it looked like...

The week sped by and on the whole was very busy. I found that people were hungry for fabric, especially linen!

I was extremely fortunate to have so many good friends help me.

As mentioned Beatrice came on Tuesday.

On Wednesday and Thursday I had Bernie who certainly knew what to do and was a tremendous help. There were times of dead quiet but when class got out there were lineups and I would have been pretty frazzled to have been there on my own with on one to keep an eye on things, help customers and bag merchandise. I was lucky that Bernie, who was attending the Seminar had not signed up for a class on those two days.

Marie Paule came by on Thursday ...what a saleswoman she is!

Friday, Sharon from the Belleville Guild was volunteering in the morning to help out the Cataraqui Guild, and she came in the afternoon and evening to give me a hand as well.

Dani came down after work on Friday and stayed till Sunday also.

Marie Paule and Her husband Adrien showed up on Sunday to help Dani, Dan and me with the tear down. Believe me it is easier to dismantle a display than it is to put one up!

Also helping on the home front were Yvonne and Judie who came by while Dan was at work during the week to let the girlie dogs out.

And on top of all that help, on Saturday while I was in Kingston, Dan painted the shop for me. He knew that since all the stuff was out for the trip to Seminar that I was planning to re-organize and re-arrange everything so now I can do so in a freshly painted new look shop. Next blog, I'll I publish photos of the newly painted space and the end result when all the merchandise is back on the shelves.

I am so lucky!

And here is a picture of beautiful Lake Ontario that I snapped early one morning when I was out for a walk before the shopping day began.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

More Purses

I mentioned in my last blog that a few of us had gone a little purse crazy and here are a few more of our creations ....
This is Sharon's sampler bag. She has put the initials of the motorcycle club she and her husband belong to on the back. She will donate it to the club and they will raffle it off for a kids charity the club suppots.

These two bags are Marie Paule's . I love the handles she chose to complement the bags.

Yesterday I packed up the shop in anticipation of going to the huge Canadian Embroidery Guild Seminar this week in Kingston. Today I am getting my clothes and food ready. Tomorrow Dan and I will pack the RV and Tuesday we will head down the road to St Lawrence College where I hope to have a very busy week. Beatrice has generously offered to help us set up on Tuesday and I know I will welcome the assistance. I will stay in the RV all week and Dan will come back next Sunday to drive the RV home. I am really looking forward to meeting and getting to know many of the avid needleworkers who will be there honing their skills and learning new techniques.
There are only 4 or 5 shops which will be boutiques at Seminar and I am hoping that Knowledge and Needles will have many of items that the participants at Seminar "can't live without".

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where has the time gone?

I haven't blogged in ages, so to make up for it..here are a whole bunch of pictures...there are some stitchy ones further down

We had the family for Easter and here are our friend Bruce and grandson Nicholas making ice cream.

Daughter-in-law Erin, Bruce , Nicholas and Michael all helped.

Of course the best part was the eating... grandson MichaelThe dogs did not get any ice cream..Paddy

and Mollie....

A few of us have been purse mad for the last few weeks. These purses are from Rosewood Manor and called Ye Olde Sampler Purse. This is Marie Paule's first one, front...

and back! She has made a couple of others also but I don't have pictures of them yet.

This is my green bag done on 18 count aida with white thread and beads...same pattern as above and as the one I featured here awhile back..

I am currently working on another one also from Rosewood Manor called Elegance,a Wedding bag. The one I am doing is white #12 perle cotton on 28 ct white linen and it is beautiful and vintage looking..all lacy and pretty. Unfortunately the picture just comes out white...