Not having anything photographed of my own stitching I am happy to share some other people's achievements. Barb spent most of the winter in Myrtle Beach and as you can see she was not idle. Here she is with Courtney Collection's "Alpha Bleu" (en rouge). It looks great!

Sharon is modelling her new sweater which Fran just embroidered for her. My friends are very loyal to my shop as you can see. She plans to wear it to the Cataraqui Guild's Needle Arts Fair in Kingston on May 1. If anyone will be in tha area that day and wishes to attend, let me know and I can send you all the information. It is a great chance to see the beautiful work the Guild members do while attending a merchant fair and getting lunch as well...all for the princely sum of $7.00! A bargain!

Nice to see Barb made it home safe and sound, with completed stitching in hand to boot! And Sharon's sweater is lovely...just like Sharon!
Mom, my aunt and I are all planning on attending the Needle Guild. So you will see our smiling faces there at some point :-)
Lovely work ladies! Hope you all have a good time at the needle arts fair.
What fun pictures! There are just SO many talented needleworkers out there!! :) Have fun at the fair - it sounds like a divine way to spend a day!!!
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