Thursday, October 13, 2011

CGNA Oct 1

Before I tell you about the Cataraqui Guild's Needle Arts Fair I must share this beautiful Iris stitched by Narine. She really does a  beautiful job!
Narine's Silver Lining Pink Iris

 On October 1, the Cataraqui Guild of Needle Arts in Kingston hosted their annual Needle Arts Fair. Once again I was privledged to be a vendor. Here are a few pictures of the booth and some of the visitors to the fair.
It is a great day attended by needle afficianados and it is so much fun to visit and chat with so many people who love to stitch as much as I do.
I additon to the vendors present, the guild hosted a luncheon and in a separate room, a display of their fabulous work. I would like to have some photos to show of their artistry but alas it was requested that no photos be taken.
The guild members are fabulous needlewomen and you will have to trust me that the stitchery was superb.
Scenes from the Needle Arts Fair in Kingston on October 1

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