Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Finitiative is one of Bernie's words...meaning actually finish finishing some projects. I exercised some finitiative this week by finish finishing these 8 ornaments and  grafting two socks!  I am pretty proud of myself!
 Here are a couple of shots of Paddy and Mollie being fierce , then relaxing after playing together  before bed the other night.

I was on my way to visit Joyce this week, a little later than usual,  when I was slowed down on the back road by a flock of about 2 dozen wild turkeys. They usually spend the early morning hours across the road in my neighbours field   but then disappear for the rest of the day. That day I found out where they go...most of them were across the road already but about 5 or 6 decided they needed a more leisurely crossing, knowing of course that I would wait for them...which I did...and where were they headed? Why to Sharon's back yard of course for their mid morning brunch of whatever treat she sprinkled out for them.I was wishing I had my camera with me but alas I did not. Trust me it is very cool to see these wild animals up close and heading for their next meal!

Friday, November 25, 2011

My ship came in...

Well not my ship exactly  but I am benefitting from it. I had numerous orders outstanding to Zweigaart and every time I called , I was told the fabric was on the boat from Germany. It has finally arrived along with some of my orders...
Don't these fabrics look great??

There is more to come but I am happy just to have these for the time being...Cheryl, your 32 count ice blue is here; Sharon...the 40 ct sand: Barb...your 32 count opalescent white...Military Sharon..the 22 ct for your HAED!

And Wendy...finally Penny will have her bib. She can now compete with her male cousins in the bib department!!!
I'll get it to you...maybe as soon as this weekend!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ironing beer bottles

Dan asked me why the iron was out on Tuesday reply...I was ironing neer bottles and here they are...all ironed. They are currently at the framer. They and a beer calendar are my present for Christmas to my step-son David. I think he and his friends will have fun picking out their favourites and guessing which beer is which. Tracy from Ink Cirlces who designed this fun piece thoughtfully provided a two page list of which is where!

I have had a very productive morning. I briefly considered going back to bed when Dan left at 7 am  but decided to get busy instead. It snowed overnight and there must have been a fair bit of freezing rain as well, since the trees were coated with gorgeous icy  crystals. No doubt the roads were too,  so I chose to stay in today and bake.
Yes you read correctly...I baked a whole batch of my Mother's white sugar cookies AND made a batch of chocolate fudge. I am astonished to say that both forays into  baking world turned out beautifully. I don't think I have had a batch of fudge turn out so perfectly in  many years. Of course the fact that I do this only once a year  for Christmas, and due to my broken finger I didn't do any baking at all last year...the whole business is something for me to be proud of!
My brothers, who don't know how to make Mom's cookies,  will be pleased at our family Christmas celebration next week and so will the grandkids when we have Christmas there on Christmas Day. 
Alas stitching ladies...all this good stuff goes to family and since everything turned out the way it should have, I have packed the recipes back in the recipe box till next year. I can't jinx myself by trying another batch of anything! (Now that sounds more like me doesn't it)
Oh yeah...I vacuumed too!   I am sure I'll be back to normal soon though.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

22 to go

77 Beer bottles stitched...22 to go!

At our Knowledge and Needles stitching retreat this weekend we enjoyed another great ornament exchange. I was the fortunate recipient of Dani's gorgeous Ink Circles ornament. I will treasure it!
I was also very fortunate recently to receive this very appropriate gift from Barb...yes those were her trees featured on Dani's and Bonnie's blogs...She is an amazing stitcher and finisher!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Alas I have no pictures for this post but you can see photos of our retreat on Dani's blog, on Beatrice's blog  and on Bonnie's blog.
They were the ones taking pictures and they are all hands down better photographers than I am.  (Better get some retreat pics on there Bonnie!) I think Beatrice will also have some on her facebook page.

We had a lovely time and got lots of stitching done. I stitched  11 beer bottles. This afternoon, now that the bathrooms are clean, the house is vacuumed  (we have anew vacuum cleaner so it wasn't as onerous a task as usual, but I still hate vacuuming) and my Christmas baking is started I am going to tackle the next 11. So far I have 66 of the 99 done. Pictures will be along this week...I promise!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


What a difference a couple of days of backstitching makes

Michael Powell Wedding Sampler for my nephew and  his fiancee