Friday, March 23, 2012


Well I don't have any photos yet but I did take one of my "White Lilies on Red" progress. It may make it into the computer today or tomorrow.
Meanwhile the March Retret was another stitching and eating and almost rolling on the floor laughing success. 18 of us had a great time stitching our little fingers to the bone and generally having a really good time., Dan made us a terrific lunch and along with the abundance of potluck dishes that everyone brought we were extremely well fed.
A highlight for me was seeing 5  (!)  Jardin Prive peices finished. Needless to say mine was not among them.

We had an excellent drive to Florida  arriving here around 5 :15 on Tuesday and the weather has been fabulous ever since. A few thunderstorms at night but no rain during the day. Mollie doesn't like thunder in Florida any more than she likes it in Ontario but we have  all survived.

Some news for those of you in Eastern Ontario...the Cataraqui  Guild Needle Arts Fair for 2012 will be on October 13 at the Salvation Army Citadel in Kingston.  If you have not been to this fair in the past I have to tell you it is probably my favourite  stitching event of the year. Everyone who comes is a needle artist of some description.  The Guild ladies display their fabulous work from the previous year and  lunch is included...can't beat that!


Sylvia said...

I've marked it on my calendar - will see you there

Franny said...

I've added to my computer calender. I will be there.