Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dogs on vacation

There is a Dog Beach  in Venice where dogs are allowed off leash to swim and chase stitcks. Our  girls like the Gulf but not if it is rough or wavy. This day was very calm and they had a fine time swimming and chasing sticks.

The top picture is of Mollie. Here are both Mollie and Paddy in hot pursuit of a floating stick. Paddy always gets to it first.

When the dogs got tired of the game Dan retrieved the stick.

This is a perfect shot of the girls on holiday...not a lot different from when they are not on holiday.

I have been stitching and knitting. One green sock was done before we got here. I finished the mate to it and today I just finished the one blue one. It's mate will be forthcoming one of these days.
My White Lilies on Red from Mystic stitch is calling me right now. I am on page 10 and will post a photo as soon as I finish this page as it will mean I am halfway there!

Monday, April 2, 2012

9 pages down, 11 to go

These pages are not going quite as fast as the beer bottles did! But ohh it is looking good!
I do love sitting outside in the lanai home I rarely if ever stitch outside. That is because I am always having to watch the dogs as they sneak off into the woods if they think I'm not looking and also there are always bugs!
Here bugs in  a screened in sneaking off  by the girls.
We are seeing lots of birds ...real red headed woodpeckers, both blue jays and scrub jays, mockingbirds and cardinals! And a few huge turtles! It is really sweet to see the birds splashing and shaking in the bird bath...maybe we should get one at home.