Monday, April 2, 2012

9 pages down, 11 to go

These pages are not going quite as fast as the beer bottles did! But ohh it is looking good!
I do love sitting outside in the lanai home I rarely if ever stitch outside. That is because I am always having to watch the dogs as they sneak off into the woods if they think I'm not looking and also there are always bugs!
Here bugs in  a screened in sneaking off  by the girls.
We are seeing lots of birds ...real red headed woodpeckers, both blue jays and scrub jays, mockingbirds and cardinals! And a few huge turtles! It is really sweet to see the birds splashing and shaking in the bird bath...maybe we should get one at home.


Carolien said...

Hello Ann,

That sounds wonderful and wow what a LOT of stitches!!!

Enjoy and greetings,

Anonymous said...

Wow - I can't wait to start mine. Just have to finish Sheltering Tree, then a new start. I guess I had better start Phyllis' before she visits in May. Oh well, maybe two new starts in my future??

Lana said...

Beautiful progress!