Sunday, January 15, 2012

Back at stitching

After four days last week with no stitching whatsoever I finally got back at it on Wednesday. I had not been feeling all that well and all I wanted to do was read and sit by the fire. However by Wednesday I got back in the groove and managed to work on, and by the end of the week, finish the second section of Jardin Prive. 

After that I wanted to work on something that did not require the magnifier and that would give me a little instant gratification so I did this ornament from an old British Cross stitcher magazine. Although it is on 32 count I still thought it too large so I did it again with varieated thread on 25 count along with another ornie for the same magazine. Unfortunately when I went to photograph those two this morning I found that my batteries had died in the camera and I have no extras. Those pics will have to wait.

I did have battery power on Friday though and snagged a photo of Cheryl and Fran's  versions of Ink Circles "Mother Maya". Isn't it amazing how colour and fabric change the picture?


Lynn said...

Nice to see you stitching again. I'm glad you're feeling better now. The Jardin Prive is coming along nicely.
I love that reindeer and may just have to stitch one myself!
Lovely work by the ladies on their Ink Circles pieces. They do look like two different pieces.

Unknown said...

Ann, I love your work. Very interested in your Maya pattern. Please contact me about it at: Thank you