Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Fairy

June 28, 2007

This lovely fairy is Adriana's latest finish. It is full of beads and delicate backstitching. All of the Thursday stitchers want to be stitching as much and as beautifully as Adriana is when we get to be her age!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


June 27, 2007
This beautiful Lanarte design was stitched by Olive. It is so delicate.
I am fortunate to have access to the fabulous work of the Thursday stitchers for displaying here. My own stitching goes pretty slow sometimes. I am also pretty slow at photographing my WIPs and transferring the pictures to the computer. I did finish the first little Assissi pin cushion from "The Gift of Stitching" magazine and have started a second one but it has been so hot here these last few days, it is just easier to read than to stitch.
I have read two books by Jan Burke Bloodlines and Kidnapped. I will read more in the Irene Kelly series but I think I will pace myself and intersperse them with other books. I picked up quite an assortment at the library yesterday and am currently reading The Merlot Murders by Ellen Crosby. It came recommended by the Librarian but I am reserving judgement till I get further along in it.
When I got home last night my husband informed me that we have a new family in the neighbourhood. Apparently he saw a mama raccoon and 4 babies wandering around the back. They appear to be living under or near our shed. I knew I was feeding at least one raccoon since each morning everything I put in the composter the previous evening, had disappeared. I had no idea we were supporting a whole family!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Thanks bloggers

June 26, 2007

Thank You to Christine, Michelle and Jot who helped with my HAED question. I believe it likely was Plush's bog that I had visited. I am so in awe of all those parked threads! I now have all the blogs you guys mentioned bookmarked so I can re-visit them at any time. I do love seeing everyone's work!
I set Little Molly aside yesterday and did start on the Assissi work pincushion from "The Gift of Stitching" Magazine. It should stitch up quickly but then I always say that and things rarely do go as fast as I think they ought to!
Below is a picture of Dragon Dreams' "Why hoard gold?" stitched by Olive who actually makes her own chocolates! The Thursday stitchers were the fortunate recipients of some of Olive's hand made chocolates earlier this year.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Molly and Hollyhocks and a favour

June 25,2007 This is my progress on Molly. I have to admit I am getting a little bored with her,well really with her I am thinking it is time to move on to another WIP or dare I suggest it...a new start? I am somewhat drawn to the antique looking pincushions in the June issue of "The Gift of Stitching" Actually I have pulled out a couple of pieces of hand dyed fabric that were given to me last year and some GAST threads that may look good together...I have a feeling there is a pincushion in my future.
This masterpiece is Barb's "Hummingbird with Flowers " from Kustom Krafts. Barb is an great stitcher and has produced some fabulous pieces. She has a gorgeous HAED on the go.

While I was browsing through some blogs late last week I happened on an amazing one where the stitcher is working on , I'd have to say, at least 6 HAEDs. She had pictures of them in progress with all the parked threads and I was in awe. My problem... I found her through someone's blog and now I don't know how to find it again. Are you that amazing stitcher? Is that amazing stitcher known to you and linked to your blog? Can someone put me in touch with her? so I can re-visit her blog and this time bookmark it.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Medeiros Designs

June 21, 2007

I e-mailed Melinda Medeiros yesterday about ordering some stuff and in the course of our e-mail conversation discovered that Melinda is now blogging also. Here is a link

You may find it interesting to read about stitching from a designers point of view.
Below is one of Melinda's designs and you may remember that she is also the designer of the alphabet blocks that I showed on a previous blog in May.

Today is Thursday Stitchers Day so I should be able to take a few progress pictures. Molly has not progressed much since my last picture but perhaps some of the other stitchers will have something to show off. I know Barb has just picked up her Hummingbird Flowers from the framer so you can be sure I will be featuring it soon. (It is a Kustom Kraft design of a hummingbird with the most velvety dark red hollyhocks you have ever seen)
David's stocking is also sitting waiting for something to happen. The leg portion needs something but I can't figure out latest idea is to applique at least one patch/crest /whatever it may be called, that has the race car club logo on it. Fortunately I have until Christmas to come up with a solution!

Monday, June 18, 2007


June 18, 2007

This is one of my current works in progress. She is Molly one of the Carriage House samplings girls. I think she is very sweet.

I worked on David's Christmas stocking and will post a pic soon. I have added his name to the top and actually think that will be all that will go on it. All my designing and planning is going out the window. It wasn't that good anyway so I am thinking less is more and will be looking for suggestions and comments once I iron it and get a picture. That will be forthcoming sometime this week.'s Molly.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Like Mother, Like Daughter

June 12, 2007

Today I am featuring two of the Thursday stitchers with their recently completed projects. First comes Adriana who will be 91 on her next birthday in August. She produces the most amazing work and is still enjoying working on evenweave fabric. This pattern is from a magazine.

The next stitcher is Beatrice, her daughter, with her Celtic Banner. While Adriana has been stitching for 30+ years, Beatrice has only discovered the joys of cross stitching in the last 3 or 4 years. But boy has she jumped into the passtime with enthusiasm! You should see some of the beautiful designs she has stitched!

Next I have my current work in progress...I am busy trying to make a Christmas stocking for my step son . He is the only one in the family without one but I haven't been able to find the right pattern for him. What else could I do but try to design one for him myself? To that end I got the friend of a friend to translate a picture of David's race car into a cross stitch pattern and I am making a stocking around it. I have designed what I want on the leg of the stotcking but did not want to get too carried away stitching that part (which will be the easy part) before I knew that the race car would actually look like it is supposed far so good... Here is what I have so far....
It is a three quarter midget race a World of Outlaws car, only smaller.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


June 9, 2007

I just finished reading a really good book called The Knitting Circle by Ann Hood. It was another lovely story along the lines of The Friday Night Knitting Club which I have mentioned in an earlier blog. I enjoyed both books immensely and actually finished The Knitting Circle all in one day yesterday. Both books extoll the theraputic, soothing, calming aspects of knitting and the value of friends who gather to knit and learn together.
My question is why aren't there similar books out there that extoll the virtues of our hobby? Cross stitch offers all the same wonderful calming effects but the only books I have found about it are the Betsy Devonshire books. I enjoyed them and they are a fun lightweight read but somehow are not enough for me.
Quilting has the Erlene Fowler books and the Elm Creek Quilters. There is even a series about China Bayles who runs an Herb shop.

I wish there were more cross stitch novels...does anyone know of any?

Friday, June 8, 2007


June 8, 2007
Since M-designs is the featured designer at

Knowledge and Needles (20 % off any in-stock M-designs kits or charts) this month I thought I would also feature some of Mary's designs here on my blog. These are some of the trees and some of the letters which I made up into ornaments for Christmas presents. I stitched over one on 25 ct fabric with variegated threads, some in Waterlilies and some in Weeks Dye Works.

I really enjoy used variegated thread of practically any kind.

My current project using variegated thread is a Mandala from Mariska designs (which I purchased from The French Needle). For it I am using a colour called Hampshire Clay from Sassalynne. I will have a picture of it sometime to share with you.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


June 5, 2007

These two wedding pieces were stitched by Barb, who is one of the Thursday stitchers . It is obvious though that Barb does not confine herself to stitching on Thursday's only!

One is Michael Powell's Wedding Sampler and the other is Seaside Sweethearts by Lanarte. I had not been a big fan of this design but Wow when it is stitched up and the names added to the bottom and framed so beautifully, it really is stunning and I am having to revise my opinion.

I have always been a fan of Michael Powell and it is great to see the wedding design stitched up. Barb has opted not to include the hearts around the outside of the piece.

Monday, June 4, 2007

New Finishes

June 4, 2007

These are my two latest finishes. Ephillium #2 from The Silver Lining is a gift for a friend but she is neither a stitcher nor a blogger so I am not too worried that she will see this here. In the original pattern there is a wide border but I have opted not to include it. The piece is quite large and was challenging especially the flower part. Also the design is practically all anchor I have the beginnings of a great anchor stash!
The little bib is for our dentist's new daughter. Very sweet isn't it? When I was working I used to make a bib for staff memnbers when they or their wives had a new baby. They all seemed to appreciate it and it made for a personal sort of gift.
Kathy has an interesting finish on her blog. Check it out!