I e-mailed Melinda Medeiros yesterday about ordering some stuff and in the course of our e-mail conversation discovered that Melinda is now blogging also. Here is a link http://www.onceuponathread.blogspot.com/
You may find it interesting to read about stitching from a designers point of view.
Below is one of Melinda's designs and you may remember that she is also the designer of the alphabet blocks that I showed on a previous blog in May.
Today is Thursday Stitchers Day so I should be able to take a few progress pictures. Molly has not progressed much since my last picture but perhaps some of the other stitchers will have something to show off. I know Barb has just picked up her Hummingbird Flowers from the framer so you can be sure I will be featuring it soon. (It is a Kustom Kraft design of a hummingbird with the most velvety dark red hollyhocks you have ever seen)
David's stocking is also sitting waiting for something to happen. The leg portion needs something but I can't figure out what...my latest idea is to applique at least one patch/crest /whatever it may be called, that has the race car club logo on it. Fortunately I have until Christmas to come up with a solution!
Your Thursday Stitchers looks like a wonderful group! I really enjoyed seeing the work that they do and reading through your posts. I will be sure to stop by often to read more of the projects you stitch. Often, this is how you are able to discover wonderful projects you might not have found otherwise and dream of working on as well. Best wishes, Melinda
Hi Ann. I think the crest on Davids stocking is a good idea. And thanks for the link to Melinds's blog. I look forward to reading it.
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