Monday, June 25, 2007

Molly and Hollyhocks and a favour

June 25,2007 This is my progress on Molly. I have to admit I am getting a little bored with her,well really with her I am thinking it is time to move on to another WIP or dare I suggest it...a new start? I am somewhat drawn to the antique looking pincushions in the June issue of "The Gift of Stitching" Actually I have pulled out a couple of pieces of hand dyed fabric that were given to me last year and some GAST threads that may look good together...I have a feeling there is a pincushion in my future.
This masterpiece is Barb's "Hummingbird with Flowers " from Kustom Krafts. Barb is an great stitcher and has produced some fabulous pieces. She has a gorgeous HAED on the go.

While I was browsing through some blogs late last week I happened on an amazing one where the stitcher is working on , I'd have to say, at least 6 HAEDs. She had pictures of them in progress with all the parked threads and I was in awe. My problem... I found her through someone's blog and now I don't know how to find it again. Are you that amazing stitcher? Is that amazing stitcher known to you and linked to your blog? Can someone put me in touch with her? so I can re-visit her blog and this time bookmark it.


Schokti said...

The closest blogger I can think of is Nicki -

She has a bunch of HAEDs on the go as well as a few Chatelaines, and is famous for her thread parking.

Michelle said...

I agree - Nicki is who I immediately thought of too! Great progress on your CHS piece - she is cute!

JOT said...

Lovely stitching!

The following are blogs I can think of for HAED WIP's:
plus my own:

I would also like to hear about others as I love seeing HAED WIP's!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wow Barb's piece is just amazing! Please pass that on!

Wendy said...

Barb's Flowers is amazing! Those pieces are just incredible.

Aussie Stitcher said...

You are making great progress with Molly.
