Thursday, May 17, 2007

JD designs

May 17, 2007

Today I thought I would feature a small Jeanette Douglas design I finished a couple of years ago. So far I have stitched only this one of hers but I am hoping to tackle one of her larger pieces sometime. Her "My Stitching Treasures" is gorgeous. I actually saw a perfect box for it too in the antique store in town. Unfortunately they were interested only in selling the trinkets inside the box, not the box itself.

I also like Northwoods Sampler...and St Lawrence Lowands sampler...I could go on.

Anyway her stuff is on sale for 20 % off all this month at
Kathy has entered the blogging world also and her blog can be found at Welcome Kathy!


Aussie Stitcher said...

That is very pretty, but then I love autumn tonings.


Dani - tkdchick said...

Ann I love Jeannette and her stuff! I've actually got My Stitching Treasures fully kitted up... minus the box of course!

I can't wait until October I'm going to the Cross Stitch Cupboard's retreat and Jeannette is the guest instructor!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Ann, you've been tagged, see my blog!