Saturday, May 12, 2007

Thursday stitchers

May 12, 2007

Okay so I haven't quite mastered the art of putting pictures on my blog in an organized manner.
Anyway, the 4 Celtic Banners pictured were the inspiration for the 3 banners pictured to the left. The 4 belong to Dani, Christin, Carmen and Colleen (not necessarily in that order) and were here for all to admire at last August's little retreat we hold here at my place.
The three banners are being held by Beatrice, Kathy and Barb and are almost finished after a 30 week stitch along.

This next lot of smiling faces belong to some of the Thursday stitchers and don't they do great work? Adriana is on the left holding up a fairy she is stitching from a recent magazine. Olive is holding up a blank hoop because I caught her on a day when she was just about to begin a new project. Judie is displaying her Sitchworks piece called Good Night Sleep Tight, affectionately known as Cows in Blankets.

Here is progress on Epiphyllum #2. I am very encouraged by how it is coming along and I actually think I have the hardest portions finished. All that remains is another yellow/orange flower and another large leaf. The main flower was the most challenging since it contains a myriad of soft colours which did not seem like anything except tiny blobs of colour ... that is until you step back and see the big picture. Marc is an amazing designer.

There are more Thursday stitchers but we had only a small turnout this past week. I will take pics of the others and their projects as the weeks progress.


Laci said...

Congratulations on the blog, what a wonderful group of ladies! and what fantastic projects!! Love all the pictues!

I'm looking forward to seeing more!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Such lovely work by all :)
I especially love the cows in a blanket! HOW cute!!!

Lana said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! It's great fun! Love your pictures!!!
Those Celtic Banners are quite impressive all laid out like that!

Beatrice said...

I think your pictures are quite lovely...Who says they have to be right dressed or all your ducks in a row. You're doing great keep up the good work. The cows in a blanket are CUTE!!!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Yay! I guess I can't be there in person but through this I can be there in spirit!

All your work looks fantastic ladies!

Anne S said...

How lovely to share your stitching group with us - some lovely projects there! :D

Aussie Stitcher said...

Love all the pictures you are showing. I have just finished my rotation on Celtic Banner, seeing those finished, or close to being finished, really makes me want to keep going on mine. I must be strong as there are others that need some attention.

Deb said...

Ann, This was great fun to see. Thanks. I'm totally in love with that Prairie Schooler quilt in the background. Did you do that???
Lavender Rose

Wendy said...

Wow - I'm in awe of all those Celtic Banners! Everyone's work is gorgeous!!

Schokti said...

Look at those banners! They look fabulous! Please pass on my oohs and ahhs to the great work by everyone! Cows in blankets sure has come a long way since I saw it last.